Hello Family, We want to share with you a playlist of worship songs that (for the majority) are sung at CCC. Also some new songs that we may sing someday. NOT that these are the only songs and artists to listen to, but here are at least a handful of solid songs we feel will help you in your walk with Christ. You need to be very careful what you listen to and what you allow to be played in your homes. I know growing up almost everyone had chorus books or hymnals in their home. Today we have playlists on our phones!
The purpose of this playlist:
To give you solid worship songs and artists to choose from to listen to.
To encourage you and your family in the faith.
To help you to grow in your faith and practice.
To teach you and your family sound theology.
To learn them so we can praise God as we come together in worship.
To have solid music to sing in your homes, with your children.
And just an easy way to use technology to be able to sing and worship wherever you are.
I hope that God uses these songs in all your homes for his Glory.